Head office Dadeldhura

projects details

Completed projects
S.N. Name of the project Project Area project Duration Value of Contract Donor
1 Enhancing Access to Justice through Institutional Reform Project Dadeldhura, and Kailali 6 June, 2022 to 31 December, 2022 30,53,908 UNDP/A2J-II
2 Anticipation Alert for the susceptible landslide in Balaucha and Owa area of Aalital Rural Municipality, Dadeldhura district, Nepal Dadeldhura 25 September, 2022 to 8 November, 2022 4433543 START NETWORK/Cordaid
3 Community mobilization for Vaccination Program Dadeldhura July 2022- December 2022 5282125 GIZ
4 Menstrual Hygiene Management Program through Social Marketing Dadeldhura,Baitadi, Bajhang and Doti 1st August 2021- December 2022 13,758,400 KFW/ CRS Company
5 COVID-19 Emergency Response Nepal (CERN) Dadeldhura and Doti July 2021- May 2022 18,710,939 ICCO/ Cordaid
6 Malaria Program Baitadi and Dadeldhura 15th February 2020- 28th February 2021 915,000 Global Fund/Save the Children
7 Rural Village Water Resources Management Project (RVWRMP) Dadeldhura December 2018 to July 2021 1,44,43,930 FINLAND/RVWRMP/Rural Municipality
8 Paani Project Dadeldhura October 2019 to May 2021 10,887,349 USAID/DAI
9 HIV/TB Prevention for migrant and their spouses Program Kailali and Doti 15th February 2020- 28th February 2021 15,836,875 Global Fund/Save The Children
10 Early Grade Reading Program Kailali 15 May 2018–31, December 2019 2,43,00,000 USAID/RTI
11 Enhancing Access to Justice through Institutional Reform Project Dadeldhura and Bajhang District June 2019- November 2019 1183,469 UNDP
12 Amplify Change Project (ACP) Dadeldhura 1st July 2017-September ,31,2019 6702600 IPAS Nepal
13 Raising Incomes Small and Medium Farmers Project (RISMFP) Dadeldhura October 2013- March 2018 12836800 ADB/GON/RISMFP
14 ANUKULAN Project under Building resilience and adaptation to Climate Change extremes and Disaster (BRACED) Dadeldhura August,6,2015- June ,30,2019 71787517 UKaid/iDE Nepal
15 Training on SLAC concept advocacy an uniform referral mechanism Project Dadeldhura 6th August 2017 - 5 December 2017 2641759.52 UNDP
16 Feed the Future Expanding Nepal's Business Access to Improved Technologies for Agriculture (ENBAITA) Dadeldhura 1st March 2016-September ,30,2018 7146898 USAID/iDE Nepal
17 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP) Kanchanpur Bhadra 2067- Poush 2075 8050050 World Bank/FUNDBOARD
18 Agriculture and Food Security Project (ASFP) Dadeldhura January 2015- March 2018 11818170 UN/FAO
19 Poverty Alleviation and Income generation Project (PAF) Dadeldhura Jestha 2063- Chaitra 2074 10951460 World Bank /PAF
20 Local Governance and Community Development Program (LGCDP) Dadeldhura Jestha 2072- 2074 Poush 1320000 LGCDP/Local Government
21 HIV and AIDS Program Dadeldhura November 2013- March 2018 36171295 Global Fund/Save the Children
22 District Level Social Mobilization Program Dadeldhura Baishak 2072- Chaitra,31,2073 2197488 PC-TMCDP /GON
23 Early Grade Reading Program Dadeldhura July 2015- May 2017 11991285 World Education/WFP
24 Building climate resilience water source management system through tree plantation and programmatic synergy Program Doti and Ahham August 2014- September 2015 2998230 MSFP/Finland
25 Suspense Bridge Program Dadeldhura 2066 Baishak - Jestha 2070 1265200 TBSU/HELVATAS/RRRSDP/DDC
26 HIV and AIDS Program Dadeldhura January 2009 – November 2013 10230560 Global Fund/FPAN
27 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project 7th and 8th Batch Dadeldhura,Baitadi Ashad 2064-Ashad 2068 4091360 World Bank/FUNDBOARD
28 Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive health Program Dadeldhura December-2009 –July 2011 700000 UNFPA/FPAN
29 Social inclusive and Poverty alleviation program Dadeldhura 2006-2007 1700000 CCGRO
30 Community Health Project (CHP) Dadeldhua October 2004-December 2007 9650506 CECI/SAHAKARYA
31 Community Based water Supply and sanitation Project (CWSSP) Dadeldhura Poush 2062-Ashwin 2066 3565780 ADB/CBWSSP
32 Public Health and Lively hood program Dadeldhura August 2006- March 2008 1920570 OXFAM-GB/CECI
33 Awareness program on drug control, women's rights and consumer rights Dadeldhura October 2022 to June, 2023 45,00,000 Bhageshwor RM/Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen
34 Emergency Response for flood and landslide affected people Dadeldhura and Kailali 7th July, 2022 to 31st May, 2023 6513210 KIA/Cordaid
35 Flood Relief Project Dadeldhura and Kailali December 2021-November 2022 8680000.00 KIA/Cordaid
36 HIV and AIDS Program Dadeldhura,Baitadi,Bajhang November 2013- March 2018 36171295 Global Fund/Save the Children
37 Enhancing Access to Justice through Institutional Reform Project Dadeldhura, Bajhang and Kailali August 2020- December 2020 34,51,035.00 UNDP
38 Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive health Program Dadeldhura December-2009 –July 2011 700000 FPAN/UNFPA
39 Environment Protection Program Dadeldhura 6 months 1200000 District Sport Office
40 Comprehensive Package for mobile Population and Their Families Dadeldhura June 2006- Nov.2007 4562580 UNDP
41 Health and Hygiene Campaign Program Dadeldhura 2057 Margh- Ashad 2058 2,30,550 Drinking Water Office
42 Meena Communication Campaign Stage 1st & 2nd Dadeldhura Kartik 2057-Manshir 2058 8,59,500 UNICEF
43 Community Empowerment and Gender Awareness Dadeldhura 2057-2059 545790 Canada Nepal Gender in organization (CNGO)
44 Organizational Development Project Dadeldhura 2058-2060 450000 Canada Nepal Gender in organization (CNGO)