Head office Dadeldhura

Introduction of Organization

Multipurpose Development Society (MPDS) is a non-governmental, non-partisan, and non-religious organization established in 1998 AD in Dadeldhura striving to uplift the living standard of the disadvantaged groups, children, men and women to help them access equitable education, health, income generation opportunities and support them on conflict management. It is one of the ground-breaking initiatives in Dadeldhura in terms of a civil society movement and organization, and has been relentlessly working to promote and protect human rights at the all fronts of society. We are located at Sudurpashim province of Nepal, the most rural part of Nepal since past 25 years. MPDS is a NGO working in the diverse sector for the development of rural communities of Nepal. We have been working closely with these rural, marginalized, and deprived groups in the sector of health, Agriculture, Quality education, Human Rights and Good Governance, DRR/CCA, Food, Nutrition Security, Natural Resource Management, Climate Smart technology transfers, Reproductive rights, Livelihood, Alternative Energy, empowerment, Organizational Development and Capacity Development, Income generation and entrepreneurship Development, and so on. It substantially contributes to rural people's empowerment and socio-economic reconstruction process, by embracing the participatory and rights-based approaches to development. Therefore, besides implementing integrated community development projects and programmes at the grassroots, it is also extensively engaged in advocacy, lobbying and networking at local, national, and international levels to protect and promote human rights and social justice since its registered date of 1998 AD in Dadeldhura. MPDS has been working in the rural areas of all districts of the Sudurpashim Province. The targeted people of the Sudurpashim province are suffering and struggling with acute issues and scarcities of basic needs, flood, food security, Inclusive and quality education, nutrition, climate change and disaster risk management, alternative energy, women’s empowerment, human rights, Infrastructure Development and Reduction of Poverty. In this situation, MPDS has been cooperating, collaborating, and supporting the needy people since establishment to till now using the personal, organizational, and existing donors’ agencies support.

MPDS envisions of a healthy, beautiful, peaceful, discippned, self-repant, exemplary and dynamic society with gender equapty.

To enhance the capacity of and social status of the disadvantaged and confpct impacted groups, children, men/women by providing them with equal opportunity in educational, social and economic sectors.

MPDS strives to improve pving standard of disadvantaged groups, children, men and women, access to equitable education, health, income generation and confpct management program


value of Organization

  • Enhanced capacity
  • Inclusive and meaningful participation
  • Harmony and social justice
  • Responsible towards environment
  • Gender sensitivity
  • . Integrity and transparency
  • Accountabipty, good and responsible governance.

    Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

    Organizational Development and Capacity Development

    Natural Resource Management

    Alternative Energy

    Business Promotion and Market Development

    Food, Nutrition Security and Cpmate smart agriculture

    Income generation and entrepreneurship Development, 8. Sustainable pvephood and Technology Transfer

    Social Mobipzation

    Women’s Empowerment, Quapty Education, Rights and Health improvements

    Infrastructure Development and Reduction of Poverty

    Human Rights and Good Governanc

    Peace, Rehabitation and Reconstruction and Child Protection

    Participatory planning, monitoring and evaluatio

    Rights-based approaches to development

    Gender and social inclusion

    Human Rights and Good Governanc

    Health, Health related issues and clear drinking water

Social mobilization Strategies of MPDS

Social Mobilization Strategies of MPDS

    Consultation and meeting with key stakeholders, local leaders, beneficiaries and formal/informal groups before the intervention started;

    Create partnerships/collaboration/coordination with pubpc, private, civil society and their concerned stakeholders

    Mobilize or create community-based groups to participate in implementation;

    Ensure direct community engagement in implementation, monitoring and evaluation

    Raise or pft up community awareness though IEC and BCC approaches

    Recruit and train community members as field staff as far as to implement the intervention;

    Ensure transparency and rule/law by regular meeting and social audit

    Hand over responsibipty for implementing interventions to the community at a set time.

    Collaboration and coordination in program implementation & institutional development:

    MPDS plays role to bring beneficiaries in same platform or group and enhance group effort of the beneficiaries by creating groups of the beneficiaries at household level

    Major Funding Partners (Donors and Years):