Head office Dadeldhura

Ongoing Projects

Ongoing projects
S.N. Project Name Project Area Project Duration Value of Contract Donor Intervention
1 Home Grown School Meals (HGSM) program All Palikas of Bajhang District June 2022- December 2023 61101562 Mercy Corps Capacity Building , Food and Nutrition, Agriculture, Social Mobilization,supply chain, Education,Climate smart Agriculture Technology
2 Flood and Landslides Preparedness and Response in the High- Risk Communities Dadeldhura and Kailali July 2023-July 2024 98,69,000 KIA/ Cordaid WASH, relief and cash for work activities and early warning system
3 HIV/TB Prevention for migrant and their spouses Program Baitadi and Bajhang District 15th march 2021- December 2023 30586831 Global Fund/Save The Children Migrants and their spouses, Mobile camp and orientation ,HIV test, Refer and accompany reactive cases to HTC sites
4 HOPE/SATHI Project Dadeldhura,Kanchanpur and Baitadi February 2016-December 2024 17589800 Serving Friends International (SFI) CABA Support ,HIV/AIDS Awareness ,Coordination and Linkage
6 Engaging CSOs for enhancing access to justice of women and marginalized Dadeldhura and Kanchanpur 16 April, 2023- December 2023 4,212,600 UNDP/A2J-II Legal Awareness, Capacity building interventions, Legal Aid services, Knowledge product, Information Communication Technology related interventions,
7 HF-Emergency Preparedness & Response Project Bajhang November 16, 2023 - March 31, 2024 16216306 Save the Children Transitional Shelter Support, WASH Support,Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) at schools,ER Building Construction Training,, PFA training
8 Climate Resilient Agriculture Practices Implementation in Cluster Five of GRAPE Dadeldhura and Doti November 26, 2023 - October 26,2024 6,924,000 GIZ Vermicompost enterprise establishment and Training,Soil testing campaign,Polyhouse establishment, Irrigation support, Cattle-shed improvement
9 Climate Adaptive Integrated Agriculture Farming in Seri Community of Alital Rural Municipality Dadeldhura November 1,2023- April 30, 2024 14,37,100 GIZ vegetable farming Training, Climate Adaptive Integrated Agriculture Farming,(IPM) and Bio-Degradable Mulching Techniques, Mulching Techniques