Head office Dadeldhura

Completed Projects

Completed projects
S.N. Project Name Project Area Project Duration Value of Contract Intervention
1 Enhancing Access to Justice through Institutional Reform Project Dadeldhura, and Kailali 6 June, 2022 to 31 December, 2022 30,53,908 Human Right, Access to Justice , Socio-legal aid referral mechanism, GESI, Women’s Right, Transparency ,Governance & Capacity Building
2 Anticipation Alert for the susceptible landslide in Balaucha and Owa area of Aalital Rural Municipality, Dadeldhura district, Nepal Dadeldhura 25 September, 2022 to 8 November, 2022 4433543 Humanitarian aid, Relocation , Emergency Response, Shelter, Establishment Early warning system, Case for work, Awareness , Socio counseling, Disaster
3 Community mobilization for Vaccination Program Dadeldhura July 2022- December 2022 5282125 Health and Education, Social Mobilization, Awareness, Humanitarian assistance , capacity building , Vaccination Campaign
4 Menstrual Hygiene Management Program through Social Marketing Dadeldhura,Baitadi, Bajhang and Doti 1st August 2021- December 2022 13,758,400 Health, WASH and Menstrual Hygiene Management, Adolescent rights, Behavior change, Education, Social Mobilization, Advocacy
5 COVID-19 Emergency Response Nepal (CERN) Dadeldhura and Doti July 2021- May 2022 18,710,939 Health and Education, Social Mobilization, Awareness, Humanitarian assistance , capacity building , Vaccination Campaign
6 Malaria Program Baitadi and Dadeldhura 15th February 2020- 28th February 2021 915,000 Health and Education, Awareness capacity building, Social Mobilization
7 Rural Village Water Resources Management Project (RVWRMP) Dadeldhura December 2018 to July 2021 1,44,43,930 Safe Drinking Water Supply and WASH, Nutrition, Livelihoods, Developing Local Cooperatives, improved Cooking Stoves, CCA/DRR, Transparency, GESI, Empo
8 Paani Project Dadeldhura October 2019 to May 2021 10,887,349 CCA/DRR, Water Source Protection, Low-Cost Recharge Pond, Modern Irrigation Technologies, Bioengineering Practice, Governance, Social Audit, Agricult
9 HIV/TB Prevention for migrant and their spouses Program Kailali and Doti 15th February 2020- 28th February 2021 15,836,875 HIV/AIDS, Social Mobilization, Migration, Education, Enhance behavior change, capacity building ,Migration,,TB screening, Migrants and their spouse
10 Early Grade Reading Program Kailali 15 May 2018–31, December 2019 2,43,00,000 Peer Education, SMT/PTA, Reading Camp, Community Education, Capacity Enhancement of teacher, , library corner, Community Mobilization
11 Enhancing Access to Justice through Institutional Reform Project Dadeldhura and Bajhang District June 2019- November 2019 1183,469 Human Right, Access to Justice , Socio-legal aid referral mechanism, GESI, Women’s Right, Transparency ,Governance & Capacity building
12 Amplify Change Project (ACP) Dadeldhura 1st July 2017-September ,31,2019 6702600 Health and Education , Capacity building, Advocacy ,women Rights, Sexual and reproductive health and rights, community dialogue
13 Raising Incomes Small and Medium Farmers Project (RISMFP) Dadeldhura October 2013- March 2018 12836800 Climate-smart technologies, GESI, HVC promotion and marketing,DRR/CCA Technology transfer, Food and nutrition security, Social Mobilization
14 ANUKULAN Project under Building resilience and adaptation to Climate Change extremes and Disaster (BRACED) Dadeldhura August,6,2015- June ,30,2019 71787517 Food security and Livelihoods, nutrition, Climate-smart Technology CCA/DRR, WASH,Alternative Energy, IG, Governance, GESI, Social Audit , micro finan
15 Training on SLAC concept advocacy an uniform referral mechanism Project Dadeldhura 6th August 2017 - 5 December 2017 2641759.52 Human Right, Access to Justice , Socio-legal aid referral mechanism, Gender and Social inclusion, Women’s Right, Transparency ,Governance & Capacity
16 Feed the Future Expanding Nepal's Business Access to Improved Technologies for Agriculture (ENBAITA) Dadeldhura 1st March 2016-September ,30,2018 7146898 Climate Smart Agriculture Technology, Value Chain , Food security, Livelihoods , GESI, Capacity building , mobilization, Governance, Human rights
17 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP) Kanchanpur Bhadra 2067- Poush 2075 8050050 Water supply and Sanitation , Health and Hygiene , Nutrition , Livelihoods, Social Mobilization,GESI,WASH, Leadership development
18 Agriculture and Food Security Project (ASFP) Dadeldhura January 2015- March 2018 11818170 Food Security, Livelihood (FSL), Nutrition and Health,, Agriculture, HVC Promotion , Mobilization, Livestock, Audit, Governance, Human rights
19 Poverty Alleviation and Income generation Project (PAF) Dadeldhura Jestha 2063- Chaitra 2074 10951460 Social mobilization, Capacity building., Livelihood and Livestock, Infrastructure, GESI , IG, Advocacy, Social Audit ,Food Security and nutrition
20 Local Governance and Community Development Program (LGCDP) Dadeldhura Jestha 2072- 2074 Poush 1320000 Good Governance , Social Mobilization , Capacity Building, Advocacy and Human Rights, Community Development, Social Audit
21 HIV and AIDS Program Dadeldhura November 2013- March 2018 36171295 HIV, Health Education, Social Mobilization, Social Cancelling, Awareness, Behavior change,Migrants and their spouses, Mobile camp
22 District Level Social Mobilization Program Dadeldhura Baishak 2072- Chaitra,31,2073 2197488 Social Mobilization , Capacity building, Conservation , Climate Change. Human Right
23 Early Grade Reading Program Dadeldhura July 2015- May 2017 11991285 Peer Education, SMT/PTA, Reading Camp, Community Education, Capacity Enhancement of teacher, , library corner, Community Mobilization
24 Building climate resilience water source management system through tree plantation and programmatic synergy Program Doti and Ahham August 2014- September 2015 2998230 VCA, LAPA, Water Source Protection, Recharge Pond, Nursery, Plantation, capacity building of FUGs, Infrastructure, CCA/DDR, Social Mobilization
25 Suspense Bridge Program Dadeldhura 2066 Baishak - Jestha 2070 1265200 Social mobilization , Infrastructure , Capacity building, Social Audit, Capacity building
26 HIV and AIDS Program Dadeldhura January 2009 – November 2013 10230560 HIV/AIDS, Health,Social Mobilization, Migration,, Awareness , Education , Behavior change, Migrants and their spouses, Mobile camp
27 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project 7th and 8th Batch Dadeldhura,Baitadi Ashad 2064-Ashad 2068 4091360 • Water supply and Sanitation , Health and Hygiene , Nutrition , Livelihoods, Social Mobilization, GESI, WASH, Leadership development
28 Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive health Program Dadeldhura December-2009 –July 2011 700000 Social Mobilization , Capacity Building , Education , Youth Awareness
29 Social inclusive and Poverty alleviation program Dadeldhura 2006-2007 1700000 Social Mobilization, Technical Support, Capacity Building., Health and Hygiene, Awareness, Income Generation, Drinking Water , Social Audit
30 Community Health Project (CHP) Dadeldhua October 2004-December 2007 9650506 Social Mobilization,Capacity Building, Health Education, GESI , Infrastructure, WASH, Alternative Energy, livestock, Nutrition
31 Community Based water Supply and sanitation Project (CWSSP) Dadeldhura Poush 2062-Ashwin 2066 3565780 Health and Hygiene, Drinking Water Construction , Pit Latrine Construction , Revolving Fund Management , Capacity Building, WASH, Health Education
32 Public Health and Lively hood program Dadeldhura August 2006- March 2008 1920570 Social Mobilization,Capacity Building, Health Education, GESI , Infrastructure, WASH, Alternative Energy, livestock, Nutrition
33 Awareness program on drug control, women's rights and consumer rights Dadeldhura October 2022 to June, 2023 45,00,000 Drug Control,Human rights ,women right and consumer rights
34 Emergency Response for flood and landslide affected people Dadeldhura and Kailali 7th July, 2022 to 31st May, 2023 6513210 WASH, relief and cash for work activities and early warning system
35 Flood Relief Project Dadeldhura and Kailali December 2021-November 2022 8680000.00 WASH, relief and cash for work activities and early warning system
36 HIV and AIDS Program Dadeldhura,Baitadi,Bajhang November 2013- March 2018 36171295 HIV/AIDS, Social Mobilization, Education, Enhance behavior change, capacity building ,Migration,,TB screening, Migrants and their spouse
37 Enhancing Access to Justice through Institutional Reform Project Dadeldhura, Bajhang and Kailali August 2020- December 2020 34,51,035.00 Human Right, Access to Justice , Socio-legal aid referral mechanism, Gender and Social inclusion, Women’s Right, Transparency ,Governance & Capacity
38 Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive health Program Dadeldhura December-2009 –July 2011 700000 BCC and ICC services , Orientation and youth friendly services ,information sharing interactions , school based RH classes sessions
39 Environment Protection Program Dadeldhura 6 months 1200000 Group Formation, Community Mobilization , Social Audit, Plantation, Orientation, Coordination and Linkage
40 Comprehensive Package for mobile Population and Their Families Dadeldhura June 2006- Nov.2007 4562580 BCC, IEC, Mobile Camp, Social Mobilization, VCT Service and Stream Drama
41 Health and Hygiene Campaign Program Dadeldhura 2057 Margh- Ashad 2058 2,30,550 Base Line Survey , Group Formation , Training , Sanitation Campaign , Pit latrine Construction
42 Meena Communication Campaign Stage 1st & 2nd Dadeldhura Kartik 2057-Manshir 2058 8,59,500 • Video Show (Health and Hygiene, Education, Awareness) Training ,Seminar ,Orientation
43 Community Empowerment and Gender Awareness Dadeldhura 2057-2059 545790 PRA/baseline Survey and Group formation ,Health and Hygiene ,Income generation ,Pit Latrine Construction , Gender Based activities
44 Organizational Development Project Dadeldhura 2058-2060 450000 Training and Partner NGO selection ,Assessment of Partner NGO, Coordination with local bodies , organization development, social mobilization